Authored By Originally Published Via the Mondaq Platform 23 February 2021 by Michael Hanson , Kyle Masters and Oliver Wade Legislation that would make the use of cannabis for both recreational and medicinal purposes legal has been tabled in Bermuda’s House of...
Originally Published Via JD Supra New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation on February 22 enabling the constitutional amendment to legalize adult recreational use of cannabis and a companion decriminalization bill. Each law has significant employment...
Authored By: Foley Hoag New Jersey Cannabis had itself a week. Following a recent decision permitting the New Jersey Department of Health, Medical Marijuana Division (“DOH”) to continue scoring its 2019 Request for Applications (“2019 RFA”) and award twenty-four (24)...
Authored By Published Via JD Supra New Law And Attorney General Directive Serve To Vacate Prior NJ State Court Marijuana Possession Verdicts, Pleas, And Diversionary Programs On February 22, 2021, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed into law sweeping...
Authored By: Jenner & Block LLP As more states legalize the use of cannabis[1], the market value of the U.S. cannabis industry is projected to reach $30 billion annually by 2025. Fifteen states currently allow the recreational use of cannabis and 36 states...
Authored By : Michael Sassano Thankyou to our newest contributor Michael Sassano who will be penning a series of articles for us explaining GMP compliance. If you are a North American company wishing to do business in the EU, UK , Australia & NZ you will need to...