Kight on Cannabis: NIJ Researchers Get It Wrong on Cannabis Testing

Kight on Cannabis: NIJ Researchers Get It Wrong on Cannabis Testing

A recent article by researchers funded by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) discusses cannabis testing. Unfortunately, however, the researchers misstate the law when it comes to hemp testing. The NIJ article primarily addresses the technical problem of ,”How []...
Studio Legale Bulleri: Driving  Cannabis & Guidance

Studio Legale Bulleri: Driving Cannabis & Guidance

Giacomo Bulleri Lawyer & Advisor CANNABIS AND GUIDANCE The centrality of the subjective element and application perspectives I. Introduction It is clear that the global diffusion of the process of regulation and legalization of cannabis involves new approaches and...
AROD: Is Oslo getting its first cannabis cafe?

AROD: Is Oslo getting its first cannabis cafe?

    AROD has not heard from the police after a total of 200 grams of cannabis was sent in ten letters to those responsible for the Norwegian drug policy. Nevertheless, 200 grams of cannabis has been put on the scales of justice, and the need for legal...