September 05, 2024 By Michael McQueeny Categories: Hemp , DEA The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled that the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (“DEA”) classification of certain hemp-derived cannabinoids as unlawful was not entitled to deference,...
When Minnesota legislators passed House File 4065 in 2022 — legalizing the sale of certain hemp-derived THC edibles and beverages — few could have predicted that a multimillion-dollar THC-infused beverage market would result. Today, Minnesota consumers enjoy access to...
Shawn Hauser Vicente LLP [co-author: Daniel Molina] With an expanding cannabis and hemp market and an upcoming legislative session that will consider medical cannabis expansion, hemp regulation, decriminalization, and other cannabis matters—we have our eyes on Texas!...
By Jean Smith-Gonnell & Carmen Williams on September 4, 2024 Posted in Cannabis, Feature Posts I. Introduction The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is the largest governing body in college athletics. The NCAA regulates all aspects of student...
During a premier and finance estimates hearing on Wednesday, committee chair Jeremy Buckingham put it to NSW premier Chris Minns, whether he might seem impaired to the Labor leader as he was presiding over the proceedings. “No, you seem very sharp,” was the response....
Aaron Kouhoupt McGlinchey Stafford SOURCE JD SUPRA The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency’s proposal to reschedule cannabis from a Schedule I to a Schedule III drug under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) has generated considerable buzz across business sectors, including...