Cannabis Law Journal

Cannabis Law Journal

June 2016 Edition

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Marijuana as Medicine in Aotearoa/New Zealand?

Marijuana as Medicine in Aotearoa/New Zealand?

James Greenland of  Your Law Limited (NZ) writes…... Despite Kiwis being amongst the most prolific recreational users of cannabis, New Zealand has been slower than many other jurisdictions to recognise the potential medical benefits of marijuana. And it’s largely...

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Now is the Time for Municipalities to Welcome Dispensaries

Now is the Time for Municipalities to Welcome Dispensaries

Valerio Romano, Attorney with VGR Law Firm, PC. On November 6, 2012 voters legalized the medical use of marijuana in Massachusetts with 63% of voters in favor. Today, 3 ½ years later, there are only 6 Registered Marijuana Dispensaries (“RMDs”) open, serving a...

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The Legal Landscape of Israel – Cannabis

The Legal Landscape of Israel – Cannabis

By Sarah Zadok, Director of Content and Community for iCAN Israel has contributed the first and largest bulk of research on medical cannabis, dating back to the 1960’s, and has produced great strides and developments in the field. Like much of the world, cannabis’...

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