Cannabis Law Journal: Editorial

Cannabis Law Journal: Editorial

30 November 2016 Thankyou for taking time to drop into Cannabis Law Journal to read some of the most active legal minds in the cannabis industry and their thoughts on the latest developments at a national and state level in the USA as well our writers from Australia,...
Oregon: Cannabis Testing as Envisioned by the Keystone Kops

Oregon: Cannabis Testing as Envisioned by the Keystone Kops

Authored By: William Stewart Half Baked Labs Portland OR   Cannabis Testing as envisioned by the Keystone Kops The state of Oregon, an epicenter of craft food, beer, wine, and distilling, is doing its best to resist market leadership in the arena of cannabis. The...
Nevada: Recreational Marijuana From Initiative to Action

Nevada: Recreational Marijuana From Initiative to Action

Authored By: Phillip A. Silvestri, Esq. Senior Counsel and Neal Gidvani Senior Counsel   Nevada Recreational Marijuana: From Initiative to Action Nevada bucked its conservative roots in passing Question 2 on...
Colorado: Initiative 300 – Denver Tackles Social Cannabis Use

Colorado: Initiative 300 – Denver Tackles Social Cannabis Use

Authored By:  Nate Reed, Esq. CMRE GreenLight Group   Initiative 300: Denver Tackles Social Cannabis Use    The November 2016 election results in the United States have brought about sweeping changes to the legal marijuana landscape, both at the state and local level....