December 2021

Baker Hostetler: New York Issues Employer Guidance Regarding Recreational Use of Cannabis
Following the legalization of recreational cannabis in New York by the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) earlier this year, ...

Duane Morris LLP: Cannabis Beverages Are On Fire!
Want to know where the cannabis industry is going? How about the beverage industry? The answer is cannabis beverages! The ...

Lippes Mathias Wexler Friedman: Empire State Cannabis Update: CCB Makes Progress In Hemp Program & Chair Hints At Adult-Use Timeline
On November 3, 2021, New York’s Cannabis Control Board (CCB) held its third public meeting during which it made additional ...

Fox Rothschild: New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission Launches Application Process for Recreational-Use Businesses
New Jersey’s Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC) held a public meeting on November 9, 2021 and released the 2021 Personal Use (Recreational) ...

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP: United States: UPDATED: The Delta-8 THC Loophole
Since the posting of this blog, Drug Enforcement Administration officials have made comments suggesting that delta-8 THC is not a ...

Rod Kight: Is D8 From hemp A Controlled Substance? DEA Says No
DEA publicly addressed the legal status of D8 again in the form of a response letter to the Alabama Board ...

Rogoway Law: How Cannabis Companies Can Protect Their Intellectual Property In The Event Of Federal Legalization
On July 1, 2021, when the State of Virginia’s and the State of Connecticut’s cannabis legalization took effect , 18 ...

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP: The U.S. Trademark Office Says Δ8-THC Is Illegal — Usually
The decriminalization of cannabis in some states, and its partial decriminalization at the federal level, has created an explosive market ...

Green Light Law Group: Vermont CCB Publishes Proposed Social Equity and Craft Cannabis Licensing
When Vermont passed its cannabis legalization bill in 2020 it largely left licensing and regulatory details to rule making. The Vermont Cannabis ...

Harris Beach PLLC: New York State Office of Cannabis Management Adopts Final Hemp Regulations
On November 24, 2021, the New York state Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) published a Notice of Adoption of the ...

Christopher Tasker: Cannabis: How do we move forward in 2022?
Cannabis: How do we move forward in 2022? Since the emergence of the CBD green rush tremendous focus has been ...

Baker & McKenzie: Cannabis and hemp regulations: What it means for foreign investors and the private sector
In a recent interview Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, the Minister of Public Health, lauded the many community enterprises all over Thailand ...

ASTM Workshop Shows Compelling Evidence to Expand the Panel of Heavy Metal Contaminants in Cannabis Consumer Products
Long term exposure to heavy metals, irrespective of the source can have serious adverse effects on human health. They can ...

California’s cannabis industry is undergoing major change..
As of September 27, 2021, cannabis businesses in California have a new set of regulations to comply with, which are ...