AUTHOR Susan Burns is a cannabis business lawyer in St. Paul, Minnesota and is listed among the Top 200 Cannabis Lawyers. She may be reached at Susan Burns – S Burns & Associates LLC. The 9th Circuit and Delta-8 THC In its...
Insurance coverage is complicated. An insurance policy can consist of a couple hundred pages that include numerous coverage forms; lists of defined terms of great legal significance such as “occurrence,” “property damage,” and “bodily injury;” pages of exclusions;...
WRITTEN BY: Snell & Wilmer Contact David Barker Andrew Green The Ninth Circuit affirmed a preliminary injunction in favor of AK Futures LLC (“AK Futures”), a manufacturer of e-cigarette and vaping products, against Boyd Street Distro, LLC (“Boyd...
Artificially derived cannabinoid (ADC) products are leaving Oregon grocery stores and convenience stores beginning July 1, 2022. Following the effective date, only licensed marijuana dispensaries can sell ADC products, and only if the product complies with the...
My colleagues and I recently attended the Washington Cannabis Association’s (WACA) summer meeting in Walla Walla, WA. We heard from regulators, politicians, and most importantly, cannabis businesses. One common refrain we heard from producers was a new policy from the...
JULY 1, 2022 BY EMILY MEEHAN The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear two cases challenging Minnesota’s denial of workers’ compensation for medical marijuana used to treat work-related injuries. Two Minnesota employees, Susan Musta, who suffered a neck injury while...