Protecting Cannabis Strains in Canada: A Growing Concern

Protecting Cannabis Strains in Canada: A Growing Concern

Authored By: Stephanie Curcio Stephanie is a lawyer and patent agent trainee. Her practice covers a range of intellectual property matters, including patent prosecution and litigation with a focus on life sciences. She prepares opinions and advises clients on...
Banking Issues Continue to  Vex Lawful Hemp Businesses

Banking Issues Continue to Vex Lawful Hemp Businesses

Authored By: Rod Kight 12-8–2017 The marijuana industry’s lack of meaningful access to banking services is a phenomenon that continues to bleed into and affect the legal hemp sector. A number of my clients had their bank accounts closed without notice this year. In...
US Hemp Companies Face  Labeling Issues In The EU

US Hemp Companies Face Labeling Issues In The EU

Authored By: Rod Kight 1-20–2018 I’ve recently had a run of clients face issues with the European Union (EU) over labeling requirements. The issue is not that the EU requirements are particularly onerous (though they are generally stricter than US requirements). It’s...
Transactional Legal Work Will Accompany Increased M&A Activity in the Cannabis Sector

Trump Administration Weighs In On Industrial Hemp

Authored By: Rod Kight 2-25-18 The Trump Administration (Administration) made public its views on industrial hemp last week. After speaking at the Governor’s Forum on Colorado Agriculture in Denver on February 21, Greg Ibach, undersecretary for the U.S. Department of...