Harris Beach: NY-Hemp Retail and Distributor License Applications Go Live

Originally Published Vi JD Supra

On January 26, 2021, the New York Department of Health’s online application portal for prospective hemp retailer and distributors went “live.” The application website warns that “businesses selling cannabinoid hemp products in the state of New York”, both in retail stores and online, must obtain a Cannabinoid Hemp Retail License before sale, and that those products must meet the regulatory standards set forth by the Department of Health. Similarly, the application portal advises out- of-state hemp manufacturers looking to sell to hemp retailers within New York state to obtain a Cannabinoid Hemp Distributor Permit.

The portal contains a brief list of Requirements for each type of applicant and points to the proposed hemp regulations for more detailed guidance. Both applications attach an annual fee of $300 (per location for hemp retailers) and are valid for one year. Visit the application portal for hemp retailers and distributors.

New York state’s mandate to apply for and obtain a license or permit for the sale and distribution of hemp products exemplifies the high-stakes license procurement process and stringent regulatory climate facing cannabis businesses in New York state.


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