Steven Groce: USA The MORE Act – What You Probably Didn’t Know

The U.S. House of Representatives, voted to repeal the Federal Prohibition of Marijuana. Now, it is up to the Senate. Known as the MORE Act, this Bill would accomplish some truly wonderful things, such as removing Marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) which basically would eliminate Federal Criminal Prosecution and Penalties for possession, cultivation and distribution.


Authored By: Steven Groce, Attorney

Stephen Groce


HOWEVER, as with all things, one has to read the Fine Print.

Like what you may ask?


A 5% Federal Tax on Marijuana products. The Tax rate then goes up to 6% in 2 years, 7% in 3 years, and 8% in 4 years.

This, is ON TOP of the already ridiculous Tax levels imposed by the States, where Marijuana is sold.

One might wonder why are Federal Taxes necessary to end Federal Prohibition? Great Question! Why can’t the Federal Government simply end Federal Prohibition?

One of the stated uses of the Fed. Tax revenue is for Drug Treatment, specifically: Services for individuals adversely impacted by the War on Drugs…

Interesting! If the Government would just END THE WAR on Drugs, then there would not be any Adverse Impact on Individuals, caused by the WAR!

President Elect Biden, believes that in Some Cases, people should not be placed in Prison over Drug use; but that they should be forced to participate and successfully complete Court Ordered Drug Treatment programs, some even involving Confinement during the mandatory treatment; and if an individual fails the Program, then they go to Prison. So much for personal Freedom and Liberty.

Once again, The Black Market, is really only the Free Market. The only reason the Government wants to call it Black, is because the King, (The Government), is not getting it’s Cut!

The Government should remember The Boston Tea Party! Not everything has to be taxed, especially the act of simply ending a Law that should have never been passed in the beginning.

Written by: Steven F. Groce, Attorney




Steven F. Groce


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