Authored By: Matthew R. Abel, Attorney at Law at Cannabis Counsel®, P.L.C. This political year is starting to heat up in Michigan. 2018 is an election year, and things look good for the ballot initiative proposal for legalization of marijuana to be voted on in...
Welcome to the latest issue of Cannabis Law Journal. Since publishing our last issue so much water has passed under the bridge it’s almost impossible to know where to start. We’ve had the almost soap opera qualities of the back and forth between...
Authored By: Rod Kight Website: Rod is a cannabis business law attorney who lives and practices law in Asheville, NC. Rod represents legal cannabis businesses throughout the country and is the author of the Kight On Cannabis law blog a...
Authored By: Ken Ford, Esq. LLM Originally Published At Monroe Illinois state legislators recently sponsored a bill to legalize marijuana in hopes to overcome their deficit with the tax revenue. The bill proposes a $50...
Authored By: Loren Wiener This Week In Weed TV & Blog We do not have to look hard to find “fake news” these days. Listening to the media on politics, if you consider the “Bowling Green Massacre”, “Atlanta Terrorist Event” and the recently announced...